kitchen with air conditioner

Here Are Main Reasons Your AC System Keeps Shutting Off

One of the most frustrating things that can happen during the summer is when your air conditioner mysteriously shuts off. 

This is also known as short cycling. There are several grounds why this may happen, and it can be challenging to determine the cause without the help of a professional. 

Short cycling happens when the AC unit turns on and off more frequently. This can cause several issues, including making the unit work harder than necessary and driving up your energy bills. Moreover, it can also lead to premature wear and tear on the unit, which can shorten its lifespan.

If you are wondering why your AC system keeps shutting off, here are some possible reasons:

1. The AC Unit Is Far Too Big for Your House

If your AC unit is too big for your home, it will cool down the room much faster. And once it’s done with its job, it will already shut off itself. 

2. Filthy Condenser Coils

The performance and durability of your air conditioner are both enhanced by regular coil cleaning. They are in charge of releasing warm air from your house. So if your AC is short cycling, check if your filthy condenser coils are to blame.

3. Poor Placement of the Thermostat

If there is a problem with the thermostat, the air conditioner could turn off too soon. The thermostat may have electrical or mechanical issues or be installed improperly. It may falsely report that the house is cooled if installed near windows, on the shady side of the house, or next to an air vent.

4. Air Filters Need Cleaning

Air filters are essential to maintain a healthy environment in your home. Filters for indoor air can accumulate dirt and dust and eventually become clogged. And when it becomes clogged, frost and ice may form which eventually will lead the unit to shut down. 

It would help if you regularly cleaned or replaced your air filters. This may need to be done as often as once every few months, depending on the filter type.

5. Defective Run Capacitor

All sorts of HVAC issues can arise from a faulty run capacitor. The system might not boot up at all, or it might start acting erratically. A run capacitor issue could be the cause of an abnormally loud humming sound coming from the compressor.

6. Evaporator Coil Freezes Up

The HVAC system as a whole can fail if the evaporator coil freezes. This is not only inconvenient, but it can also be quite costly to fix. An iced-over evaporator may be the result of a dirty air filter. In cases like this, you should call an expert to defrost an evaporator coil with frozen solid.

7. The Electricity in Your Air Conditioner Is Faulty

A few warning signs can indicate a malfunctioning air conditioner’s electricity. For instance, if your air conditioner isn’t working correctly and making strange noises, this could mean an electrical issue. 

There are a few possible reasons your air conditioner’s electricity is malfunctioning. For an accurate diagnosis and advice on how to proceed, it’s best to consult an expert. 


There are several reasons why your AC system might mysteriously shut off. The most common cause is that the system is either overworked or not properly maintained. And since your AC is an electrical unit, it’s always best to let the experts handle it.

If you need emergency AC repair and installation, AutumnAir is the one to call. We provide quality residential HVAC repair in Birmingham, AL. We’re committed to going above and beyond for our clients and delivering only the best results. Get your free estimate today!

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